Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

Medieval Stained Glass in Great Britain

[Image: Stained Glass Roundel]
[Image: ]

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Corpus Vitrearum USA

  • I/1. Jane Hayward, revised and edited by Mary B. Shepard and Cynthia Clark, with an introduction by Mary B. Shepard, English and French Medieval Stained Glass in the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2 vols, London/Turnhout/New York, 2003
  • II/1. Meredith Lillich, European Stained Glass before 1700 in Upstate New York, London/Turnhout, 2005
  • VI/1. Renée Burnam, Stained Glass before 1700 in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, London/Turnhout, 2013
  • VIII. Virginia C. Raguin and Helen J. Zakin with Elizabeth C. Pastan, Stained Glass before 1700 in the Collections of the Midwest States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio 2 vols, London/Turnhout, 2001

In preparation

  • I/2. Timothy B. Husband, German and Netherlandish Medieval Stained Glass in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • II/2. Tricia Pongranz (ed.), with Ellen Konowitz, Meredith Lillich, Linda M. Papanicolaou, Elizabeth Carson Pastan and Mary B. Shepard, Stained Glass before 1700 in the New York City Metropolitan Area (excluding The Metropolitan Museum)
  • V. Michael W. Cothren, Stained Glass before 1700 in the Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania

The following volumes are also planned.

  • III. Madeline H. Caviness and Naomi R. Kline, with Ellen Shortell and Marilyn Beaven, European Stained Glass before 1700 in Connecticut and Rhode Island
  • IV. Madeline H. Caviness, with Marilyn M. Beaven and Virginia C. Raguin, European Stained Glass before 1700 in Massachusetts
  • VI/2. Mary B. Shepard, European Stained Glass before 1700 in the Princeton University Art Museum
  • VII/1. Evelyn Lane, European Stained Glass before 1700 in the Walters Art Museum
  • IX. Madeline H. Caviness et al., European Stained Glass before 1700 in the Central States (to include: Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Tennessee, and Texas)
  • X. Virginia C. Raguin, Alyce Jordan, et al., European Stained Glass before 1700 in California

Volumes I/1, II/1, VI/1 and VIII were published and are distributed for the Corpus Vitrearum USA by Harvey Miller Publishers, an imprint of Brepols (197 Knightsbridge, London SW7 1RB, Great Britain, and Begijnhof 67, B-2300 Turnhout, Belgium).

Checklist Series

  • I. Madeline H. Caviness (ed.), 'Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: New England and New York States', Studies in the History of Art , XV, Washington, 1985
  • II. Madeline H. Caviness (ed.), 'Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern Seaboard States', Studies in the History of Art, XXIII, Washington, 1987
  • III. Madeline H. Caviness and Michael W. Cothren (eds), 'Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Midwestern and Western States' Studies in the History of Art, XXVIII, Washington, 1989
  • IV. Timothy B. Husband ed. Madeline H. Caviness, with an index by Marilyn M. Beaven, 'Stained Glass before 1700 in American Collections: Silver-Stained Roundels and Unipartite Panels' Studies in the History of Art, XXXIX, Washington, 1991

Checklists were published for the Corpus Vitrearum USA by the National Gallery of Art, Washington. They are distributed by the University Press of New England (3 Lebanon Street, Hanover, NH 03733).

Occasional Papers

  • I. Madeline H. Caviness and Timothy B. Husband (eds), Studies on Medieval Stained Glass: Selected Papers from the XIth International Colloquium of the Corpus Vitrearum, New York, 1-6 June 1982, New York, 1985
  • II. Mary Shepard, Lisa Pilosi and Sebastian Strobl (eds), The Art of Collaboration. Stained-Glass Conservation in the Twenty-First Century, Papers Presented at the Forum for the Conservation Stained Glass [sic], The International Committee of the Corpus Vitrearum for the Conservation of Stained Glass, Held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1–3 June 2009, London/Turnhout, 2010

Occasional Paper I was published and is distributed for the Corpus Vitrearum USA by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Special Service Office, Middle Village, NY 11381). Occasional Paper II was published and is distributed by Harvey Miller Publishers (see above).

Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

© 2010 King's College London