The CVMA was founded in 1949 and currently has committees in twelve countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain with Catalonia, Switzerland, United States of America) and associate committees in two countries (Portugal and Russia). Nearly one hundred volumes have been published to date, including comprehensive survey volumes for Scandinavia and Czechoslovakia. The international CVMA has its own website, with information in the three official languages of the CVMA (English, French and German), including details of the current international committee and an outline history of the project. Two articles on the history of the CVMA by Eva Frodl-Kraft are ‘Das Corpus Vitrearum 1952–1987, Ein Rückblick’, Kunstchronik, 41, 1988, pp. 1–12; and ‘Das Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Ein Rückblick’, in Glas. Malerei. Forschung.: Internationale Studien zu Ehren von Rüdiger Becksmann, Berlin, 2004, pp. 13–21.
The CVMA’s guidelines on organization and publication were drawn up at what was denoted the third colloquium in Cologne (1957). They were subsequently revised on a number of occasions, and a second edition edition was issued following the Vienna colloquium in 1983. The third edition was issued in 2001 following the Bristol colloquium in 2000 (revised St Petersburg 2010), and the fourth edition was issued following the Troyes colloquium in 2016.
Since its inception, the CVMA has held regular colloquia, which have been biennial since 2000. The CVMA’s founders first met in March 1953 in Bern (see H. M. von Erffa, ‘Die Berner Glasmalereitagung 1953’, Kunstchronik, vi, 1953, pp. 113–21). They subsequently met three times – in June 1953 (in Paris), in October 1954 (in Cologne), and in 1957 (in Cologne), on which occasion the CVMA’s guidelines were drawn up – before what is officially designated the fourth colloquium, at Erfurt in 1962.
The technical committee, established in 1982, has also met separately on a number of occasions, and a series of forums has been held since 1993.
A list of the CVMA’s colloquia, forums, and the resultant publications is available here.
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