Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi

Medieval Stained Glass in Great Britain

[Image: Stained Glass Roundel]
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Norbury: Sts Mary and Barlock

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Listing records 21 - 30 of 120

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 5e)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 5d)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 5c)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 5b)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 5a)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 4e)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 4d)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 4c)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (I, 4c)

  • Norbury, Sts Mary and Barlock
    (nII, 4c)

Listing records 21 - 30 of 120

CVMA Picture Archive

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  • Logo: British Academy
  • Logo: King's College London
  • Logo: University of York
  • Logo: English Heritage